The Vault

Below is a list of Tokens currently stashed in the Vault.

Rules of the Vault

The Vault is functionally a Treasury Wallet. However, rather than being managed solely in the interest of Treasure Keep, the purpose of this wallet is instead to support the Sonic ecosystem and its community.

  • Tokens that are placed in the vault are not intended to be sold. Only in the most extreme of circumstances would complete selloffs be considered.* Otherwise, positions we manage can only ever be sold off at a maximum of 10% of the total amount per month.
  • The Vault is also a Safe Haven, where anyone is free to send tokens to, in order to keep them out of circulation. These tokens would never reenter circulation unless otherwise requested.
  • Tokens placed in the Vault by us, can be used for farming purposes in protocols we deem safe. A portion of revenue generated from any farming activities will be periodically airdropped to holders of $TK.
  • Similarly, the Vault will be used to provide liquidity, which benefits the ecosystem as a whole.
Sonic Blockchain Vault

*Such circumstances may include the shutdown of a protocol that is tied to a token we are stashing, or US regulation that forces a change that requires us to reevaluate how the Treasury is managed.

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